Friday, January 2, 2015

Validation View Object (VVO) in OAF.

Validation View Object

When you implement business logic in your entity object, you will frequently find that you need to execute some simple sql statements, and not just for pure validation purpose.

For ex:-
A purchase order header has many lines. Each line assigned to unique line number.
This line is defined as the current maximum line number for the entire purchase order +1. At run time, we need to query the database to find out the what the maximum line number is for a given purchase order header.

Select max (line_num) from po_lines_all where po_header_id =:1;

Whenever you need to execute the sql like this, you can create view object dynamically from a sql statement, or you can predefine a declarative view object for it.

For an implementation standpoint, validation view object are no different from regular view object, they are different only by the use case.